Chris Salvatore featured

Chris Salvatore Nude Pics & Gorgeous Cock Exposed

Alrighty, we have a special post for all of our Leaked Meat sausage consumers! This fine ass fella is one of the hottest men we’ve ever featured on our site. If you haven’t heard of Chris Salvatore, let us introduce you… to his juicy cock!

Chris Salvatore is so hot


Here are a few facts about this erection inducing stud:

  • Chris Salvatore was born on May 22, 1985 in Richboro, Pennsylvania.
  • He has 387k followers on his Instagram account @ChrisSalvatore.
  • Salvatore is an actor, singer and songwriter, who is best known for being a huge LGBT rights activist.
  • Twitter account: @CSalvatore.
  • Plays the piano and keytar.
  • Salvatore starred in the Eating Out films
  • Some of his popular songs include “Dirty Love” and “Hurricane.”
  • Also a popular YouTube star, Chris’ channel focuses on encouraging messages for gay teens (“It Gets Better” campaign).
  • He went to Boston’s Berklee College of Music where he studied vocals and acting at The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts.
  • In the summer of 2021, Chris joined the hugely popular site OnlyFans. Nice.

Chris Salvatore’s Dick Pics

Chris Salvatore’s Hot Gay Sex Scenes

Chris Salvatore Hottest Pictures

  • His songs were popular on the MTV program Paris Hilton’s My New BFF.  Oh really Chris – have you seen her porn video?
  • Salvatore has lived in California, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
  • Currently dating some guy named Greg.
  • Friends with a sweet old lady named Norma that unfortunately passed away from cancer. Chris took care of her and raised money for her when she was sick.

Chris Salvatore’s NSFW Video Clips

Eating Out: All You Can Eat — 5 video clips

(#Penis #Shirtless #Ass #Gay #Bulge) with Daniel Skelton, John Stallings, & Michael E.R. Walker


Eating Out: The Open Weekend — 2 clips

(#Bulge #Shirtless #Gay) with Daniel Skelton, Aaron Milo & Michael Vara

Eating Out: Drama Camp — 2 clips

(#Gay #Hot #Shirtless) with Aaron Milo, Daniel Skelton & Jesse Archer

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