Billy Magnussen sexy

Billy Magnussen Totally Nude Pics

Today we have the sexy and hilarious Billy Magnussen nude! If you haven’t seen his role in Get Shorty as a wanna-be actor willing to do anything (including sucking other actors dicks), you are missing out! We have a great picture gallery, along with Billy’s best NSFW movie and TV show scenes below…

Billy Magnussen smiling

  • Billy was raised in Queens, NY and later Georgia.  He graduated from High School in 2001.
  • His first big acting debut was with Broadway in 2007, where he acted alongside Rosie Perez in The Ritz.
  • He has been popping up more and more, with roles in Netflix’s (fantastic) show, Get Shorty, along with roles in Velvet Buzzsaw, Tell Me a Story, Game Night, Black Mirror and the upcoming Aladdin (as Prince Anders). He credits Robin Williams as one his inspirations to begin acting.
  • His mothers parents are from Lithuania.
Billy Magnussen penis bulge
Dat penis bulge

Billy Magnussen Nude Pics

Billy Magnussen shirtless guitar cowboy

Billy Magnussen Videos

Tell Me A Story (#Butt #Shirtless #Underwear) — 4 clips

Friends From College (# Sexy)

Happy Tears (# Sexy)

Ingrid Goes West (# Sexy)

American Crime Story (#Sexy #Shirtless) — 2 clips

Twelve (# Sexy #Shirtless)

Velvet Buzzsaw (#Shirtless)

This Netflix film was featured during the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.  Billy was cast alongside Jake Gyllenhaal – check out his nude Velvet Buzzsaw scene.

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