Dean-Charles Chapman as King Tommen

Dean-Charles Chapman Leaked Nudes & Jerk Off Video

If any famous actor in Hollywood qualifies as a twink, Dean-Charles Chapman is it.  You may be more familiar with his character on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones — he plays the young King Tommen.  He was the sweet but weak boy King after his nasty brother Joffrey (played by Jack Gleeson) ended up dead.

What you probably didn’t know about Dean-Charles? He had a thing for jerking off on webcam with his buddies (or cousins or something).

Before we get into Mr. Twink, let’s learn a little about him:

  • He replaced another actor, Callum Wharry, for his role as Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones, season four.
  • He was raised in Essex, and London, and is currently 21 years old.

King Tommen naked

Dean-Charles shirtless selfie

Dean-Charles Chapman Leaked Jerk Off VIDEO

Dean-Charles Chapman nude jerking off

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